General State Archives and Open Data

Law 4305/2014 (Government Gazette 237/A') and Law 3448/2006 safeguard the principle of open use and further use of public information, that is, public sector bodies are obliged to provide documents, information and open data for further use, unless access is restricted or prohibited on the basis of exceptions provided by law and they are justified.
Documents, information or data should be structured datasets in a machine-readable format so that they are easily located by software applications, identified and certain data is extracted, including their structure.
Open data policies contribute to transparency in the public administration and encourage the wide availability and further use of public information for commercial or non commercial purposes, with minimum or free of legal, technical or financial restrictions.

In this context, an important parameter is the permission of use provided by the public sector, as well as data being available via internet.
In compliance with the legislation, G.S.A. issues decisions regarding datasets that will be made available and uploads them annually to Open Data platform (
These datasets are created by the Central Service and the Regional Services and are, in their majority, finding aids as extracted from the archives management system @ρχειομνήμων, as well as statistics and other useful data.

Decision 2016: ΑΔΑ: 7ΕΣΤ4653ΠΣ-8Η8  
Decision 2017: ΑΔΑ: Ω1ΛΙ4653ΠΣ-ΠΑΡ  

Data of Central Service: Being processed
Data of Regional Services: Being processed