General State Archives and Public Administration

In accordance with Law 1946/1991 (art. 9, par. b), the purpose of the General State Archives (G.S.A.) is "the identification and census of public archives of historical interest, their selection and acquisition by the General State Archives as well as to make them available to researchers. "In this context, the main function of both the Central Service and the Regional Services of G.S.A. is to identify and record the archives of Public Sector, as well as to supervise the active archives and safeguard public documents against loss and damage. In addition, G.S.A. is responsible for monitoring the appraisal procedure of Public Services archives, for ensuring the acquisition of the archives selected to be preserved in the G.S.A., for issuing presidential decrees (Law 1946/1991, art. 41, par. 2) and for collaborating with the employees-liaisons appointed by the various Ministries. To this end, in 2018, the G.S.A. formed a partnership with the newly founded Archives Department of the Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction (Presidential Decree 133/2017 "Organization of the Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction" Government Gazette 161 / Α '/ 30.10.2017).